Your Dog’s Safety and Comfort are the Priority!
1 – Grooming Time: It normally takes 3-4 hours depending on the type of dog but could be longer. The most frustrating thing for us is the pressure to complete a dog faster than is sometimes possible. The dogs are so sensitive to our emotions… when we get stressed, so do the dogs. Unfortunately, we must complete a set number of dogs each day to keep the doors open. Some dogs won’t be finished until the end of the day. While we try to stagger appointments to keep each dog’s time down, we do need to have dogs available for different parts of the process, such as pre-shaving, nail grinding, bathing, drying, all before the final grooming. There are so many variables… such as: some dogs need time to settle in, some need breaks in between tasks, some have behavior that slows us way down, some need a lot of extra time because of the condition of their coat and because we are known to take difficult dogs, we often just need extra time. We go to great lengths to make your dogs feel comfortable… including allowing them to roam around and interact with other dogs, a water bowl in case they need a drink, the back door open, when feasible, so they can watch what’s going on outside. And trust us, they’re not bashful about going potty anywhere in our shop. We all take a little time to play and give love to your dogs while they are here. We don’t rush… that’s when accidents happen and when the job gets shortchanged. Having exhausted this topic… all we ask for is your understanding and patience. If you have a specific time frame that you need to stay in, we need to know that ahead of time. Let us take the time necessary to complete your dog as best as we can. By the way, we don’t pressure our customers to rush to pick their dogs up when they’re done, as many shops have narrow pickup windows.
2 – Confirmations, Cancellations & No Shows: We have an automated text system that sends reminders out the day before your appointment. We ask that you please respond with a “YES”. “Ok”, “sure thing”, emojis, etc… doesn’t allow our system to mark you confirmed… it’s looking for the word “YES”. If you choose not to respond, then we may fill your slot with someone waiting for an opening. Again, we must groom so many dogs a day to pay the bills. Please help us with this easy process. If you need to cancel or reschedule, please let us know the day before. If you choose to just not show up, we reserve the right to charge a “NO SHOW FEE”. If you don’t respond to text messages or prefer an email or phone call, please tell us that. These texts come from 844-991-3640. You can also use this number to communicate with us.
3 – Grooming Frequency & Scheduling: We recommend grooming haircut dogs every 6-8 weeks. We are basing our fees on dogs being brushed and cared for at home. If you are bringing your dog outside of this time frame, there may be an additional fee due to the extra time it will take. We encourage you to utilize our recurring schedule or schedule your next visit when you pick up your dog. Depending on the time of year, we may be booked several weeks out.
4 – Arriving Before Being Notified: We will notify you when your dog is ready to be picked up. Coming in prior to being notified is not allowed and could result in the grooming session ending prior to being finished. It is just too dangerous to groom an excited dog. You will be responsible for the full grooming cost. This is non-negotiable. Feel free to call the shop with any concerns or questions.
5 – Leashes: We ask that you securely leash your dogs from your car until we take them from you. It’s also fine if you hold them until you hand them off to us. There are a few good reasons: to prevent dogs from running out towards the street, to prevent dogs from running out the front door when another customer comes in or out, larger dogs could be scary to other customers and finally, because we have invested a lot of money into products, we’d rather not have your dog pee on the merchandise. I know your dog would never do any of this, right?
6 – Expectation of Brushing, Eye & Ear Care: Allowing your dog’s coat to get matted and tangled is not only very uncomfortable, causing them pain, but can lead to skin and health issues, such as lack of circulation, hot spots, bacterial or fungal infections, failure of hair or fur to regrow, as well as trapping parasites, feces, and urine against the skin. We aren’t willing to hurt your dog by pulling excessively on their skin. Their comfort must come before looks. If need be, we will shave down your dog’s coat as far as necessary to remove all the mats, which may result in skin irritation, itching, and risk of sunburn. In extreme tightness, bruising, swelling or inflammation may be exposed. There may be an additional charge for extra time. Excessive eye gunk and moisture buildup can lead to infection and sore/raw skin when removed. Excessive ear gunk, moisture, ear canal hair buildup can also lead to infection and inflamed tissue when cleaned out.
7 – Price: I know grooming may seem expensive but consider all that goes into the process. The expenses related to the facility, products we use, professional equipment that we maintain and the sheer amount of time. If your dog fights the process and it takes twice as long, there may be a behavior charge. If your dog is long overdue, matted and tangled from a lack of upkeep and brushing, there may be a de-matting charge. We take pride in our work and charge a fair price.
8 – Injuries: Unfortunately, they can happen despite extreme caution being taken. Things like nicks or razor burn from clippers, cuts from scissors, or nails bleeding from getting too close to the quick do occasionally happen. While it makes us feel awful, sometimes really sharp objects don’t mix well with wiggly dogs. It’s usually minor, not unlike when we get a cut on ourselves. If it is more serious, we will notify you immediately and will cover the cost of veterinary care, but only if that care is necessary. We reserve the right to obtain immediate veterinary treatment should it be deemed necessary.
9 – Pre-existing Medical Conditions, Illnesses, Advanced Age, Allergies, Sensitivities, or Behaviors: Please inform us of any issues we need to know, in order to have a safe and healthy experience. Elderly or frail dogs are a higher risk. Extra care is taken, but you, as the dog’s owner, bear the responsibility and costs of an adverse event. Again, we reserve the right to obtain immediate veterinary treatment should it be deemed necessary.
10 – Concerns or Complaints Regarding the Completed Grooming: Please notify us within 24 hours of picking up your dog if you are dissatisfied with anything. We will make every attempt to correct the issue and make it right.
11 – Aggressive Behavior or Biting: Please inform us if your dog has bitten before or shows aggression towards people or other pets. We reserve the right to use safety precautions, such as a muzzle or kennel when not tethered. If the full grooming cannot be completed in a safe manner, you will be charged for the work that has been completed, however if additional time is taken because of their behavior or two groomers are required to complete certain tasks, there will be an additional charge. If a staff member is hurt by your dog’s aggression, we reserve the right to require you to cover any medical expenses incurred.
12 – Vaccinations: While the state of NM only requires a rabies vaccine to protect humans, other vaccines: DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis or Adenovirus 1 & 2, Parainfluenza, Parvovirus), Bordetella, Lyme Disease, etc… are available to protect your dogs from diseases. We don’t require proof of vaccinations currently. If you worry about your dog catching something, it’s in their best interest for you to get them vaccinated against common viruses. If your dog is sick, please reschedule your appointment.
13 – Shaving a Double Coated or Shedding Dog’s Fur: We prefer not to perform this service, with certain exceptions. There are adverse effects to removing their protective coat. Ask us for further input and information regarding this.
14 – Puppies: The first grooming experience is probably going to make the greatest imprint. It requires an exceptional amount of patience and is a training process during the first year. We need your help with this training at home and will discuss how best to participate in making grooming easier for your puppy.
15 – Fleas, Ticks, Mites, or Other Noticeable Parasites: If we discover your dog has any of these unwanted pests, we will use the appropriate products in an attempt to eradicate them, at an additional cost. This treatment is not a replacement for ongoing preventative care of your dog, it is just designed to kill off what is present.
16 – Anal Gland Expression: We do express glands of smaller dogs. Smaller dogs can often get impacted glands that can lead to infections. Their glands are generally able to be expressed from an external position. Larger dogs don’t usually have this issue, however, should they show signs of impacted glands, contact your veterinarian. If you prefer, you can request that we not express your dog’s glands… just let us know.
17 – Ear Hair: Some dogs grow hair in their ear canals, such as poodles. This can cause moisture to build up, which can lead to ear infections. We practice pulling this hair. If you prefer, you can request that we not pull your dog’s ear hair.
18 – Brushing Teeth: We do not brush teeth. Like people, unless you do it every day, it’s not going to do much. Dental work should be done by a veterinarian.
19 – Photographic Consent: By allowing us to groom your dog, you are also allowing us to take photos and videos of your dog for use as examples of completed work and promotion of the shop.
20 – Respect: We go out of our way to be kind and respectful to our customers… dogs and humans. Please reciprocate when dealing with our staff.
I have read the above information in its entirety, have had an opportunity to discuss it with a staff member to my satisfaction and agree to the terms set forth.